
Nature Tots

We frequently host 'Stay and Play' events for families that would like to experience all the magic of our Forest School.  Parents, guardians and grandparents are asked to stay with their child for the duration of the event. 

Our next events are listed below.  Places are limited, so click the booking form links to reserve your space!


Outdoor Crafts and Campfire Fun, Monday 16th September, 2pm until 3.30pm

A free, fun and interactive stay and play session for families with children from the ages of 2 to 4 years old.  We'll get the campfire going and a selection of outdoor crafts will be available for your little ones to explore.  A snack and drinks will be provided.  

Click here to book


Autumn Crafts and Pumpkin Carving, Friday 25th October, 2pm until 4.30pm 

With a pumpkin to carve and take home, as well as lots of different outdoor crafts to get involved in, children will delight in exploring the very best of what our Forest School has to offer!  A snack and drinks will be provided, and a low cost of £5 is charged for this event. 

Click here to book.  


Open Events

Next event: Wednesday 4th September 

Our open events welcome families to visit our Forest School and see everything that we have to offer your child.  We just ask that families pre-register to indicate their approximate time of arrival.  

Click to book